How Do I know its time to Invest in New Gear?! Guitarists and Gear Acquisition Syndrome
Guitarists and Gear Acquisition Syndrome - How Do I know its time to Invest in New Gear?! Lets just be real, Gear Acquisition Syndrome...
How Do I know its time to Invest in New Gear?! Guitarists and Gear Acquisition Syndrome
The Dip - The Secret to Breaking Through Barriers and Playing Guitar for Life.
How to Prepare for a Successful Studio Release - by Dr. Mike Trubetskov, Producer at EOL Studios
What Inspired a "Mum-preneur" of 4 to start a Performing Arts Academy
First Time Performance Tips For Guitarists
Mastering Singing and Playing Guitar/Bass At The Same Time
5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Playing Guitar/Music